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Resistors and Effective Resistance

Series Resistors

Two resistors in series, as shown in figure 1, have an equivalent resistance Reff between node 'a' and node 'b'. To calculate the effective resistance of resistors in series, simply add the values of the resistors together to get Reff.

Series Calculation: R1 + R2 = Reff

Series Resistor Calculation Table

Enter values for series resistors R1 and R2 in ohms and select the calculate button to see the value of Reff

R1 R2 Reff

Series Resistor Image

Figure 1: Two series resistors R1 and R2, and their equivalent resistance Reff

Parallel Resistors

With two resistors in parallel, the effective resistance is a bit more complicated to calculate. Start by taking the inverse of each resistor (1/R) and adding those values together. Taking the inverse of the addition results in the calculation of Reff.

Parallel Calculation: Reff = 1/((1/R1) + (1/R2))

Parallel Resistor Calculation Table

Enter values for parallel resistors R1 and R2 in ohms and select the calculate button to see the value of Reff

R1 R2 Reff

Parallel Resistor Image

Figure 2: Two parallel resistors R1 and R2, and their equivalent resistance Reff

This webpage was created by J. L. Bjerke