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Frequency, Period and Duty Cycle

Calculate period and frequency

This is a frequency and period calculation table
Frequency (Hz) Period (Seconds)       Period (Seconds) Frequency (Hz)

Duty Cycle Explained

Duty cycle calculation is done by taking the time a waveform is high and dividing that by the period of the waveform. In other words, duty cycle is a ratio of time high to period of a waveform.


Three different waveforms are presented below.
#1 shows a waveform with equal time high and low. This waveform is at 50% duty cycle.
#2 shows a waveform with 3x time high than low. This waveform is at 75% duty cycle.
#3 shows a waveform with 3x time low than high. This waveform is at 25% duty cycle.

Waveform Image

Calculate period, frequency and duty cycle

Waveform Calculation Table
THIGH TLOW TPERIOD Frequency Duty Cycle

This webpage was created by J. L. Bjerke